Dear Diary. So reading thought the selective pages I've chosen to publish i realised that i'd painted a pretty painful image of my life as a teen. It wasn't all bad. Some people were nice to me, and impacted on my school experience in ways they probably didn't even realise. There was one name that cropped up quite a lot when flicked through my second diary. So I thought i'd skip ahead for this post so you know it wasn't all bad. I didn't see this kid a lot. It was the odd class or passing in the halls. But he was 'popular' and nice to me. He didn't dare his friends to ask me out and then laugh when i said yes. He didn't ask me if i would 'sharpen his pencil' knowing full well I didn't know what it meant, and he didn't flick things into me hair without me knowing when he was sat behind me. He was just nice. I've stitched together a few different bit from a few different pages for the purpose of this post, because, like a...