A-Z, little ol' me. (Nearly) I thought I'd introduce myself a little differently. I'm new to this whole 'public blogging' thing, as my old account was completely anonymous, so I'm doing things a little differently now and diving straight into the deep end. A. Alex. It seams fitting to open my new Blog with the person I idolise most. Alex is my younger brother. He was born with cerebral palsy and autism, two heart-breaking diagnostics at first. Yet Alex remains, after years of hospital visits, operations, physiotherapy and one-to-ones, the happiest, most delightful human being I've ever come across. It outstands me every time I visit him how much he's progressed since being that tiny little baby in my arms. B. Bastable. Oh god where to begin. So I kind of have an awesome boyfriend, I'll try and keep this short as I'm sure thousands of future post will undoubtedly be about the brilliant specimen that is Lewis David Bastable. Lewis re...