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A-z lil' old me.

A-Z, little ol' me. (Nearly)

I thought I'd introduce myself a little differently. I'm new to this whole 'public blogging' thing, as my old account was completely anonymous, so I'm doing things a little differently now and diving straight into the deep end. 

A. Alex.
It seams fitting to open my new Blog with the person I idolise most. Alex is my younger brother. He was born with cerebral palsy and autism, two heart-breaking diagnostics at first. Yet Alex remains, after years of hospital visits, operations, physiotherapy and one-to-ones, the happiest, most delightful human being I've ever come across. It outstands me every time I visit him how much he's progressed since being that tiny little baby in my arms. 

B. Bastable.
Oh god where to begin. So I kind of have an awesome boyfriend, I'll try and keep this short as I'm sure thousands of future post will undoubtedly be about the brilliant specimen that is Lewis David Bastable. Lewis really is my own prince charming. I often find myself is awe of the luck I've come across in finding this guy. 

C. Cardiff.
So, I'm a south-wales blogger, currently living in 'the valleys' near Cardiff. This is where me and Lewis began our adventures together, our first night out together, our first day out, our first official date. My eyes were opened to how beautiful the city really is. Previously my view of Cardiff was simply the city centre, my childhood consisted of spending hours on end in the Disney shop burning through the money in my dads wallet with my puppy dog eyes and piggy-tails. Cardiff met, is where I'm currently studying my education degree. I'm hoping to go on to do my PGCE (primary).

D. Disney.
I don't feel this one really needs justification. Disney is my life. I was practically raised by Disney films, Peter Pan is like a family to me, Mary Popping taught me to smile, The Princess and The Frog taught me to work hard, Aladdin taught me that money isn't everything, and 101 Dalmatians taught me that, well, I really like dogs.. I often find myself in the darkest of times retreating to my room to my childhood watching Disney, in the dark, with a cup of tea. I've actually convinced myself that I am indeed a Disney princess, I'm just still in the sad part of the film. 

E. Elite days. 
So, growing up I was big into the whole 'indie music' scene. I loved nothing more than local gigs, where you could sneak in a bottle of 'coke' that everyone knew was laced with vodka your friends mum had left in the kitchen unattended. With a fake tattoo on so that you 'look older' because all bouncers obviously understand that if you have a tattoo you are indeed 18, and you can go into the bar area. When I turned 18, and my and my 'super cool awesome indie friends' drifted apart, I really missed listening to the terrible Blink 182 covers and shitty 'originals'. Elite Days, gave my a little taste of this recently, they've just released their new album so have put on quite a few locus gigs, always drawing a great crowd. I'm socially obligated to enjoy their music as my boyfriend is the singer, songwriter and lead guitarist. They're better than a poke in the eye.

F. Fears.
My only fear is insanely irrational. I have this weird train of thought almost every time I saw goodbye to someone that it will be the last time I do so. It makes no sense at all, but I've always done it. As I child it would break my heart of my father went to the shop. I'd worry the entire time he was out that he wouldn't return. I don't think I ever allowed my mum to 'pop' to the local shop for a pint of milk. If I heard the front door close I'd run to the front window upstairs demanding that who ever was leaving would wait for me so I could go with them. Even now, literally every time I leave for university I convince myself Lewis won't be there when I get home. It's crazy and I know its crazy, but I guess I'm scared of saying goodbye.

G- Gatsby.
So I'm a massive bookworm, I've spent years buried in books. I think if my life flashed before my eyes it would just be a montage of different libraries and book spines. The Great Gatsby however, is so much more than a book to me. My last year old college kind of sucked, I didn't really know anyone, I spend practically every lunchtime by myself, and my classes were damn hard. So my only form of social escapism was in a book, in the library, on the little table in the corner on the third floor where practically nobody saw me. It was during this time that a work colleague from the womenswear department lent me his copy of 'The Great Gatsby', we'd often discussed our united thirst for literate, it was pretty great to have someone to talk to that understood all my intertextual references. The next day I locked myself in my room, captivated by the narrative. I instantly fell in love with the passion between to two main characters that I had longed for. This book became a conversation  starter between the two of us. I actually had something to talk about when I saw the 'tall guy with the floppy hair' on the womenswear department. Again, this is a story for another day, because this was the beginning of what would turn out to be what I deem the greatest love story of all time. - Mine. (that's right, Lewis is the tall guy with floppy hair).

H- Harry Potter.

I mean who doesn't love Harry Potter? I was born in 1996, so was a little young when the original books were released to really understand them. Luckily, I had a very patient father. I couldn't count the nights we'd head upstairs an extra hour early to burn through a couple of pages. I'm not sure if I fell in love with the characters, or with the time I got to spend with my father. I was around ten years old when 'Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince' was released, and I still insisted my father was to read it to me. In my parents room, in my pyjamas, (and without my little brother being allowed to come in). I can remember the day we went to pick it up, straight from school to the 'Boarders' bookstore in town. I even got a Snowy the teddy the cuddle up with while dad read to me. I was infatuated, addicted even. Every world book day/fancy dress parade in school  I was Hermione Granger, and I can quote every word from every film and every book. (I fully understand that the image I'm painting of myself is not the best one. I'm not what most people describe as 'cool' but I do have a shinning personality, if that counts for anything.)

So, there's just a few things about me to kick us off. Like I said I'm new to the whole 'being myself' thing. Hope I didn't put you to sleep. I'll get around to finishing the rest of on nights I have nothing to talk about. 

Let me know what we've got in common!

Keep smiling, - Jemma With a J. 

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  1. I love this concept! It gets hard to be innovative with the way you introduce yourself to new readers, but this looks like a lot of fun!

    1. AWW! Thank you my love! My first blog comment! How exciting- Glad you enjoyed xxx


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