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Dear Diary. - Wearing 'Plates'.

Before I start, for those of you that followed my blog before I started by Dear Diary series, I promise this isn't the only content I'm going to post. I'm just really enjoying righting these and they're a great break from Uni work. It's been so nice to watch the page views hit such high numbers (For my blog at least) So thanks to everyone that's been sharing my post, or just coming back to read more. I've got hundreds of ages post so I'm really hoping to keep this up!

Dear Diary 

Soo school was pritty much the same as normal today boring and unproductive. For breakfast i had two bowls of cocopops because i really really hunry probably because of all the time i spent on the trapoline yesterday. 

I wore plates to school today. (I mean plaits, please excuse the spelling) 

I really likes them and mam spent AGES doing them. When i got to school nobody really said anything about them but at break I was in the queue and there were to older boys behind me coffing HAIR HAIR HAIR to each other. I turned around after i got my kitcat and was brave and looked at him then he pushed his friend and called him a dick and they both laughed at me. 
I went to the toilets and took one out but i was REELY frizzy so i plated it back in. Later we had ICT and when S came up she said my hair looked really nice and asked if i'd been on holidays. I really like S and if she wasn't so popular i think we'd be really good friend but shes best friends with H and they are always togehter. Theyre both other halfs on bebo and they have the same picture of the to of them on the first day of bryn and they live near each other so ye anyway LOL

K was stood next me and shouted in frount of everyone no shes just wearing plates because shes a freak!!
I HATE HER she is mean to everyone. well me but theres no need to be i could have told S they were plates myself. Then k flicked a bunch of them so the whipped my face and ran to the back of the queue.

FUCK SLUT! ! ! ! ! ! 

(not really 100% sure I knew what a slut was at this age but I was obviously annoyed and this must have been the worst word I knew... Obviously adding fuck made it worse. This literally took up a whole page and was basically engraved into my book)

Later in welsh i was going to the toilet and her and J had been sent to the photocopier. when we were walking back we we both going the same way because the toilet is by the photocopier. they were walking behind me and K kept kicked my legs trying to trip me up and was laughing saying she liked my plates. J told her to stop because she had ran in frount to catch me up and left J behind but she did it all the way back to class EVEN AFTER I FELL SHE DID IT AGAIN WHEN I GTO UP. 


anyway i came home and took out my plates because they were giving me a headache. then i walked over my nans. I liked my nans because she never gets bored of me and she always makes me toast. We watched the weakest link and then mam picked me up on the way home from the coop.

then i came home and pottered around


This was one of my favourite pages to read back because out of all the people I was in school with, when we left school K ended up being one of my best friends. To this day we still laugh looking back on this. I think however this was the stage of school where I started to realise I was a little weird. I remember thinking my hair looked really cool in the morning (Thus the picture). I literally have no pictures of me after this because I got really embarrassed over having my picture taken. Now I hate myself for it because I basically don't exist for 4 years.

Hope you enjoyed!

It's Jemma with a J. x


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