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Dear Diary - Call of Duty and Msn chats.

Dear Diary.  So reading thought the selective pages I've chosen to publish i realised that i'd painted a pretty painful image of my life as a teen. It wasn't all bad. Some people were nice to me, and impacted on my school experience in ways they probably didn't even realise. There was one name that cropped up quite a lot when flicked through my second diary. So I thought i'd skip ahead for this post so you know it wasn't all bad. I didn't see this kid a lot. It was the odd class or passing in the halls. But he was 'popular' and nice to me. He didn't dare his friends to ask me out and then laugh when i said yes. He didn't ask me if i would 'sharpen his pencil' knowing full well I didn't know what it meant, and he didn't flick things into me hair without me knowing when he was sat behind me. He was just nice. I've stitched together a few different bit from a few different pages for the purpose of this post, because, like a...

Dear Diary. My First Rap.

Preparing for my first day.  So some of you may have read my previous post about how terrible my first day of secondary school went. It left my wondering why i wasn't more nervous about making the change from the primary school I was so in love with. Then i found this and remembered. I had my morning routine all planned out. It should have gone fine.  Enjoy.  Dear Diary...  Gimmie a beat ch boom ch mm ch boom ch Wake up in the morning at a reasonable hour Brush my teeth with some Colgate Have a real nice shower Il make sure all my bags are packed   Ive got to leave at 8 Its my first day I don’t wanna be  late late late My new pencil case is so full  I cant so up the zip All my pencils are sharpened  all my pens have a tip My rubbers still in the cardboard  advertising the shop My shatterproof ruler wont break if  dropped dropped dropped i'll wal...

Dear Diary. French teacher from hell.

FRENCH TEACHER FROM HELL I had the WORST DAY EVER! It was real lessons and after break i had french BUT ive never had to go to L block before and didnt know where it was the map is STUPID because it doesnt show you which way you're facing. So basically I spent all of break with 'A' queing for a cookie, i know what your thinking but this is a whole new world of cookie. They're melty and squashie and mmmmmm ( If anyone who went to my school read this they would know what I'm talking about. These were literally the best things in the world, so worth giving up your entire break for)  Sorry I was dreaming of cookies. So yeh i got to french literally one minute late because i couldn't find it and the teacher went MENTAL. I wasn't the latest though two girls came in after me and they actually had to sit next to me too because only the back row was left! I actually recognised them from reg, I think they both the gymnastics. They didn't seam to recogni...

Dear Diary. First day of 'Big school'

Dear Diary. First day of 'Big school' So I found a bunch of my old Diary Entries from school recently and it made me think about all the things I wish that I'd known then. After the success of my last post I thought it would be fun to post a few of the actual pages online. I'm literally going to write them up word for word spelling mistakes and all. Anything in Italics is just Current me looking back of Previous Jemma. Also to save face of others I've kept all first names to initials. ENJOY. Today was wicked . Bryn is so much bigger than I remember .. It's so big I've got a map! I think I'm going to glue in into my planner so i don't loose it.  So this morning S&S called for me on the way to school and we all walked up together. I think this was my first day of high school but I'm not really sure how american schools work. I don't think i'm as old as Miley Cyrus and she's in middle school so I'm confused. (I still...

Thing's I'd tell my younger self.

So as a teen, I was a little different. I was never a ‘popular’ kid and I had a lot of my own ‘quirks’, i've seen a lot of post recently with people giving advice to their younger selves on how to 'be cool' as a teen. Where to shop, what makeup to wear ect.  For me, this is something i wish I'd just never cared about, so my advice would be the total opposite. At 13, i went from being cute little centre parting, makeup hating tomboy, to this awkward popular wanna-be. I wish i could go back and shake myself.  Don’t try to fit in. I can remember taking a picture of one of the ‘popular’ girls to the hairdressers and asking to get mine cut the same. I’d taken her picture of Bebo and printed it out and I wanted that awkward chopped side fridge all the popular girls were rocking. I looked like a douche. It didn’t suit me at all and to my dismay I still didn’t look like the popular girls. I tried everything to ‘fit in’ and after a while just sort of gave up and ac...

A-z lil' old me.

A-Z, little ol' me. (Nearly) I thought I'd introduce myself a little differently. I'm new to this whole 'public blogging' thing, as my old account was completely anonymous, so I'm doing things a little differently now and diving straight into the deep end.  A. Alex. It seams fitting to open my new Blog with the person I idolise most. Alex is my younger brother. He was born with cerebral palsy and autism, two heart-breaking diagnostics at first. Yet Alex remains, after years of hospital visits, operations, physiotherapy and one-to-ones, the happiest, most delightful human being I've ever come across. It outstands me every time I visit him how much he's progressed since being that tiny little baby in my arms.  B. Bastable. Oh god where to begin. So I kind of have an awesome boyfriend, I'll try and keep this short as I'm sure thousands of future post will undoubtedly be about the brilliant specimen that is Lewis David Bastable. Lewis re...